About Move4Health

Move4Health is the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapist’s (ISCP) activity and movement health promotion initiative. Chartered Physiotherapists are Physical Activity Experts. Every day Chartered Physiotherapists treat thousands of people suffering with pain and movement problems and advise on and prescribe exercise activities to build health and well being. Through out the year the ISCP run a number of campaigns under the Move4Health brand each focusing on different areas of physical activity for the treatment and prevention of medical conditions.
This website aims to keep you updated with sound evidence based advice on the benefits of physical activity and keeping active at all ages. You can follow us on twitter or like our Facebook page.

About The Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists

The Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists  (ISCP) is the national professional body for over 2500 Chartered Physiotherapists in Ireland. The Society advocates for the provision of a person-centred quality service that is accessible, effective, and humanitarian while advancing health and social gain. We support our members in delivering the highest standards of professional care to the public.


For more information on “move4health 2013″ please contact:Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP)
RCSI House
121 St Stephen’s Green,
Dublin 2.Tel:       +353 – 1 – 402 2148or Email:   move4health@iscp.ie